Wednesday, November 11, 2020

B I N G O, heads to count, roles to play animals under the skin...Standards set, dreams and nightmares, men and mice, faces in the herds.


Remember the time. Different every day. Sunny And Bright Today. Cheers.
Remember the time. Different every day. Sunny And Bright Today. Cheers.

Thanks for the shot, thanks for the open road, paths to cross, ships to pass, on the road again.Sun Bear, CHIPPEWA.Not done yet, catch you later, catch you now, catch the ball, on the next post, to rave, to rant, to give away pieces of my mind.

 Everyone Has A Mission In Life. What Do You Think Your Mission Is?Rose Royce - I Wanna Get Next To You.Water for cows, water for flowers in the trees, food for the birds and the bees. Twitter censors the United States House of Representatives but not propaganda from Communist China and Iran. Let that sink in"

B I N G O, heads to count, roles to play animals under the skin...Standards set, dreams and nightmares, men and mice, faces in the herds.Live And Learn, Pages To Books, Walks In The Park. Joys And Pains, Good Times, Dances On The Sands Of Time: Fairy tales in the bible, lots of love, for the sheep and goats, dreams in action, veterans and earth angels on the roads to greatness.
Jesus Christ, what a great story, told over and across the lines, sheep and goats, horns of love and hate, fairy tales for the the mass. Faces of others, asses of donkeys, monkeys in packs, cheers and chaps, for the Americans heros, back in time, dates to mark, killing time.

Dancing Circles On Beaches: Wind Moves Sunny News
Dancing Circles On Beaches: Wind Moves Sunny News
Sunsets Daily Gifts, On the Sands Of Time, dances for joy, dances at the end of day. Sunsets on the beach, life every day. Life is a beach....


Life Is A Beach Blog, 2 Hard Knocks, Snakes In Grass,Good Time Told.
Life Is A Beach Blog, 2 Hard Knocks, Snakes In Grass,Good Time Told.
Stay active and just keep moving..."“Tinkerbelle Melody” VETERANS. 'WE'RE STILL DEBATING IF IT'S OKAY TO GIVE VETERANS MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR PTSD.Houses Of May:Asset Finders. BoooooooooooooooooooM!A goal is a dream with a deadline. Deeds and actions tell a story. Goodness and mercy angels around, hands out to help, hands out to lead the way. Heaven and hell here on earth. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds. Love, luck, lights, lessons, tests over time, bumps in the road, how to stand tall. Cheers and chaps, another veterans still alive,goodness..

'Digital Civil War': Media and Big Tech Suppress Major News Story with Damaging Email on Biden Rep. Steve Scalise: "Twitter censors the United States House of Representatives but not propaganda from Communist China and Iran. Let that sink in"B I N G O, heads to count, roles to play animals under the skin...Standards set, dreams and nightmares, men and mice, faces in the herds.

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