Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Lions In Dogwood Trees, Snacks For Dinner. Roars For Miles. Schools of hard knocks.Games with balls, chicks and babes, writer rites, good times, fun and games, lots of love to share.

I tried reading your cl list add it didn't make sense.Explain what, it is English, not stupid, waves to make, boys to men, matter of words used.  Try plain English please.BLESSINGS ALL NATIONS. Questions up in the air, age, how tall, located where,things like that... Lions In Dogwood Trees, Snacks For Dinner. Roars For Miles. Schools of hard knocks.Games with balls, chicks and babes, writer rites, good times, fun and games, lots of love to share.

World is an illusion, Silence is golden, stillness begins it all: CL booty are only lies, Pirates beware. A simple  dip in the wetness for two to share. Time is adrift, stars aren't there. Thanks for the shot, thanks for the open road, paths to cross, ships to pass, on the road again.Sun Bear, CHIPPEWA.Not done yet, catch you later, catch you now, catch the ball, on the next post, to rave, to rant, to give away pieces of my mind.

Living in the now .A Taste Of Summer, A Taste Of Honey, A Taste Of Views Of Mine, Coins, Colors, Clowns, Faces In The Crowds.Thanks for the shot, thanks for the open road, paths to cross, ships to pass, on the road again.What’s next? Frogs? Moses parting a sea?  Remove worries..remove hate..remove jealousy.. Put love in your heart..your day will be the happiest.

Rocks to roll. Men and mice,cartoon hits for decades, snakes in grass, cattle drives, heads to count, money matters, there is no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth.Money on my mind, castles in the sky, dances in the rain, another great day, hands to hearts, bumps in the road.Plenty Of Fish, Lots Of Frogs In The Mud.The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom.

Moses parting a sea?  Remove worries..remove hate..remove jealousy.. Put love in your heart..your day will be the happiest.Broken, dreams, hopes, wings of the birds that fell out, that fell on a banana peel. Faces of Rachel G. Jarrot, faces of frogs, faces of snakes, butches, and bitches, no brains, lots of free rides instead. 

Hits and misses, hag 2., mother Sheri Jarrot, hag 1. Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2. Earth Angels: Fairies, Witches, And Dream Fish. Sprinkles Was in town, video chatting a friend of hers. She ran into a wall.

 In The Name Of Love, Lucky Breaks. Wishes On Stars, Dreams In Works, Minds Over Matters. Penny Battles. LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK..ATG Radio Network.Make Me Say it Again girl.   Family and Friends Y'all have a blessed day. What’s next? Frogs? Moses parting a sea?  Remove worries..remove hate..remove jealousy.. Put love in your heart..your day will be the happiest.


Dances with wolves,dances in the dark, good times, roots of the dicks, dawgs, donkeys.Good times, wolves, spiders, snakes in the grass, freaks out at night, dances under the moon lights, good times, Great day to say good-buys, crooks and cheaters, donkeys and sluts, free rides for Jewish Wales.Cattle Calls, Where Is The Beef?RACHEL JARROT, Which is heavier, a Hippopotamus or a Cow? | Purely Facts.
Blue Skies:Sunsets Darkness: May 2018
Coins to flip, cards on the table, back in time and space. Love and hate, one or both, snakes and frogs, to leave alone, games to be play, hands to shake, time to hell and back.Great day to say good-buys, crooks and cheaters, donkeys and sluts, free rides for Jewish Wales.EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT.

Starr Bright, Wishes: Hopes In Colors, Notes From The Nines, Trips Out Of Time, Five.Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. White Knights, dream dates, mothers pride, trips to the lands of dreams, awards given, good times. Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows. Gifts to share, gifts given, sons with skills, lots of love and hate, on the big screens. Bridges on Land:Lost in paradise ... I'M WHERE ALL DA ACTION IS!"Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Sheri, Rachel, Sima, And Steven Gay Jarrot.Anonymous Ship of Fools...Steve Sailer on Tucker Carlson’s bestseller, on how a selfish ruling class is bringing America to the brink of revolution.Pebbles Beaches: Views To Delight:

So help me become the great Jewish Party Person, who is much better than a Rock Star. At least the Rock Stars are not equal to me in the Big Apple.COWS TO CALL HOME, PAGES TO BOOKS.CAN'T WE TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT'S LOVE WE'RE FIGHTING FOR... ...OHHH

Snakes in Apple is a worm in Paradise, or the snake with the weak man, who wanted SEX for the apple. I have a bald head, and my life is over, thank God for the black magic woman that my sire took to give me driving lessons. She bought me a car, and my sire and mare are working together again. We will soon be back in place.

STOP THE DENIAL! I believe the most dangerous days ahead for our country will be November 4th to Inauguration day. Trump will be completely unhinged. He will lash out, he'll steal and destroy as much as he can. He will make it as hard to repair as he can, so he can blame the new administration. Daily Views.A GIRL ONCE TOLD ME TO BE CAREFUL WHEN TRYING TO FIX A BROKEN .COWS TO CALL HOME, PAGES TO BOOKS.CAN'T WE TRY TO UNDERSTAND THAT IT'S LOVE WE'RE FIGHTING FOR... ...OHHH

You cannot give away what you don't have. You need to give away what you have in order to keep it. Our Elders have lived their lives with a lot of trial and error. They have experienced how to do things well and they have experienced what didn't work for them as they grew old. They know things about living that we don't know.

So, through the years the Elders have gained wisdom. They usually have a whole different point of view because of all their experiences. There are two ways to learn. Someone tells us what they did and we do the same thing or someone tells us what they did and we choose not to do it. Both of these paths will help us to live.My Creator, teach me about choices and decisions and consequences. Put an Elder in my life to guide me.ANY MAN CAN BE A FATHER, BUT IT TAKES SOMEONE SPECIAL TO BE A DAD! ENJOY FUN TIMES WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS...
Bette Davis Yes GIF
  Male or female, friends and family members, for a short period, flip the cards, flip the coins, time for growth and time to start over again. At the end of the day, love and hate the horns of a goat, love and devotion on the same page, gifts to share of the good times, and the lessons learned. Blue stars above, tricks and trades for the time and space needed for the good life to come.  Tales to spin, cash on table, books to write, trips to hell, snakes and frogs. Sharks and whales, birds and bees, trips to hell, blame games to play.

 Tricked and pimped, eaten alive for a season or two. Crooks and robbers, snakes and monkeys, dances in the rain, dances in the woods.   Walking On Sunshine Today. Daisy to Date: Daisy Ducks, Daisy Duks, Girls to Call, Flowers on the Wall. Fairy tales, tips to share, joys in pains, rain and showers. Good times in the rain, good time at the beach. Dogface butterflies, dogwood tr. ess, monkeys to see, monkeys to show.  

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

ANY MAN CAN BE A FATHER, BUT IT TAKES SOMEONE SPECIAL TO BE A DAD! ENJOY FUN TIMES WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS... Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run. Kea Khiev: Cattle cow, crook, waves to make, what does love have to do.


Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:
ImageDROP A Dime. Faces In Darkness... …Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run. Kea Khiev: Cattle cow, crook, waves to make, what does love have to do.

Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.

Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:

Leaders, Rites To Reasons:Cali Dreamers. Good Times, Lessons Daily, Schools Of Hard Knocks, Dances With Wolves, In The Woods, In The Shadows Bad Company. Clowns, Jokers, Crooks 2. Joys and pleasures rewards given, wishes on stars, shining in the darkness. 🙏🏾💯💯💔💙What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS!

Money and cash to rule, money lenders, Jewish Red Hats, red and white hats, eight days in the winter. Jesus Christ and Moses cousins then, or not, fairy tales.

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Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans.Leaders, Rites To Reasons:Cali Dreamers. Good Times, Lessons Daily, Schools Of Hard Knocks, Dances With Wolves, In The Woods, In The Shadows Bad Company. Clowns, Jokers, Crooks 2. Joys and pleasures rewards given, wishes on stars, shining in the darkness. 🙏🏾💯💯💔💙What can be brighter than the stars: GO LIONS!
Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature
Calling other Jewish people for a clear picture of what the term used meant. It is not what I was told, it was what I thought it could mean.“Blame It On Your Love".Views and Noses, Past Lives, Past History, Coins To Flip, 12 Views To Check, Clocks Noted. Stupid and dump, common and normal views of the fish in the seas.

Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box.-TO MY FRIENDS-- Today, let's be able to say with ...Blue Oceans To Create.USMC, Homes For The Brave. Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars 😮🌊🌊EVERYONE IS STRUGGLING WITH SOMETHING, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST BETTER AT HIDING IT.Let's keep working to keep our economy on a better, stronger course.Tonight, President Obama: Knight To Stand, Twists And Turns, Rites 4 us.Cows, pigs and hogs, rejects, and retards, nuts and franks, kids and goats. Frank Agresti: Dicklessfuck2. Daily Events:Steers, Queers, Dung To Smell,Red And White Noses. Walks In The Park.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Hotels, Motels To Buy:Blue Oceans.Money and cash to rule, money lenders, Jewish Red Hats, red and white hats, eight days in the winter. Jesus Christ and Moses cousins then, or not, fairy tales.
 Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.

DROP A Dime. Faces In Darkness... …Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run. Kea Khiev: Cattle cow, crook, waves to make, what does love have to do.

Veterans Open Doors: Gifts 4 Veterans:Fish, Frogs, Freaks, Plenty Of Dicks And Dawgs On Land To Dodge, Love and Lights, Blue Stars To Shine. 🎃 🎃 🎃Pumpkins✨ 🦄 Fairies,Hand and hearts to guide.Rotten Tomatoes: Princesses, pumpkins, animals, objects etc. Looks and charms, wits and reasons to shine, fairy tales to recap, review, and rewrite. Snake dens 2. Charles R. Jarrot, frogs to train, crooks and robbers , 7607778998.Jesus Christ, monkeys to see.

Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2.Rats To Races: Games Played.Horse And Pony Shows". Diana Ross "Touch Me In The Morning"who I am...Now you can figure it out if you don't already know....Veterans Open Doors: Gifts 4 Veterans:Fish, Frogs, Freaks, Plenty Of Dicks And Dawgs On Land To Dodge, Love and Lights, Blue Stars To Shine.

 Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.

Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Reflections, Rites 2.Rats To Races: Games Played.Horse And Pony Shows". Diana Ross "Touch Me In The Morning"who I am...Now you can figure it out if you don't already know....Veterans Open Doors: Gifts 4 Veterans:Fish, Frogs, Freaks, Plenty Of Dicks And Dawgs On Land To Dodge, Love and Lights, Blue Stars To Shine.

DROP A Dime. Faces In Darkness... …Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run. Kea Khiev: Cattle cow, crook, waves to make, what does love have to do.

 Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go. Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to Over The Decades:Gifts 4 Veterans:Fish, Frogs, Freaks, Plenty Of Dicks And Dawgs On Land To Dodge, Love and Lights, Blue Stars To Shine.ANY MAN CAN BE A FATHER, BUT IT TAKES SOMEONE SPECIAL TO BE A DAD! ENJOY FUN TIMES WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS...

DROP A Dime. Faces In Darkness... …Easy lover, will kill you in the night, views, voices, values, not the same as Mexicans, Americans, cattle drives, sucks dicks daily, gang bang leader, nuts on the run. Kea Khiev: Cattle cow, crook, waves to make, what does love have to do.

SMILES AND BLESSINGS USA ALL NATIONS.FOR THE LADIES.. Sisters Of Colors: For The Chosen People!Rats Dances: Lions In Dogwood Trees, Snacks For Dinner. Roars For Miles. Schools of hard knocks.Games with balls, chicks and babes, writer rites, good times, fun and games, lots of love to share.

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